Code review  is @rt

Smaïne Milianni



🥋Trainer - Developer 🐛

1st Conference 🎉

Thanks 🌺


Do we need

Code Review?



🪞 Transparency

💫 Control overall quality

🏆 Level up

🧠 Prevent bugs and omissions

🏁 Validate changes

🏉 Team spirit and ownership

Code Review  👀 💻


📖 Log conversation

A good pull request helps to have a good code review

Pull Request  🪢


🗣️ Well described

🧵Focus / Scoped

✅ Well tested

💡 Highlighted

🪢 Perfect Pull Request 🔥 


New changes appear... BUT




Well described  🗣️



The title and commit message should explain the changes

Description can contain things such as screenshots, videos, gifs, etc.

Before / After comparison

Any details that help reviewers to have a better understanding

Well described  🗣️



Link to the issue or Issue description

Well described  🗣️



Technical details about the implementation

Well described  🗣️



✂️ Separate feature and refactoring

⭕️ Focus on the purpose of the PR

🧩 Split in commit if needed

Focus / Scoped 🧵


🔨 Test the new code

😅 Ensure not to break existing tests

Well tested ✅


🗣 Comment changes yourself

🔦 Highlight interesting/critical part

Highlighted 💡



💡 Auto review first

Be reviewed  🔬

⚡️ Be proactive

 🛡 Don't take it personally

✅ Green tests



👀 Read description

Open ticket/Figma, check tests, ask teammate...

Code review 🔍

💡 Understand what do you review


📚 Understand clean code 


Code review 🔍


🐌 Review slowly

Code review 🔍

 👋🏽 Approve a PR is giving consent 🖊 and engaging your responsibility


⚠️ Keep your attention to critical parts

Code review 🔍

Endpoint, Security, Business rules...


 🕳 Identify problems before checking code style

Code review 🔍

Anticipate edge case, architecture layer,

Behavior in case of errors,

Exception handling

Performance, logs...


Code review 🔍

💻 Checkout locally and deep dive in code

 Jump from class to class, check that most of the use cases are tested, complexity, consistency...


☀️ Be kind and respectful 

Code review 🔍

👏 Give good points 🎉

 👍 Make it fun


❓Don't be ashamed to ask questions

Code review 🔍

➕ Offer alternatives

 🗣 Perform peer review if necessary


Tools  🛠


✍🏿 Pull request templates

Tools  🛠


## What

(Summarize the feature/bug)

## Why

[link to ticket/issue](www.jira_is_a_nightmare/project/42)

## How to?

## Relevant logs and/or screenshots

✍🏿 Pull request templates

Tools  🛠


🎨 Git commitizen

Tools  🛠


🤖 Pull request bot

Tools  🛠


Thank you! ✨


